My latest piece of work titled 'Now that we're together let's never fall apart'. One day I would like to have it tattooed on my forearm. It means lots and lots to me and to date it's my favourite thing I've made.
I've been trawling through people's photos on tumblr. I must start using the cameras I have more, and start saving for my mini Diana.
Here's just a few i took and edited (using photobucket) this evening....
So I finally got round to getting my Diana 120 film developed. Full of hope and excitement I unknowingly went to go pick up the most expensive photos known to man!
Yes this is it! Two photos which, with the film and developing cost nearly £10 each Eeep! Luckily I love them both. But my lovely Diana should go live with someone who wants to learn how to use her. (I will however be replacing her with a Diana mini 35mm)