Friday, 27 May 2011

'I hope everyday is a Circus day' ???...

'I hope everyday is a Circus day' ??? I'm not exactly sure what that's suppose to mean but that's how they ended the Circus I went to see this week. I hadn't been to one in many a moon and the only memory i have of the one i went to when i was very small was of my rotund cousin falling down behind the seats!

So I got myself a double dose (compliments to the free tickets, for putting a poster up at work), on Wednesday with Mum, my older sister and her fiance then yesterday with that gorgeous boy. It was fun, one of the highlights being a small terrier dressed in a Spiderman suit riding a dinky pony, to which my mother was hysterically cry laughing at.
Me and my sister were pondering on scary circus' and wondered if they exist? I'd love to find one that's all dark and bohemian, that'd scare the wits out of me. So I've been on a scout for images of the sort of thing I'd like to see when i came across these guys...

And it looks feakin cool...

I wanna go....

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Cuddles with Baby Turk...

When I actually tear myself away from that gorgeous boy and manage to make it all the way home, there's nothing I like to do more than have a cuddle with this handsome little fella...

I don't like it when he tries to kiss me with his smelly doggy breath though...

Good bye iPod fund...

Sadly all the money I got selling my old iPod that was supposed to be used on buying a new shiny iPod touch has depleted into nothing. I have actually spent it on things I've been dreaming about having for ages, such as my lovely comfy Toms shoes and my Diana Camera. But I spent the very last of it to the penny on this cute bracelet from Urban Outfitters (the postage was actually more expensive than the actual bracelet, but I'm a sucker for romantic things so it was a must have!)

Monday, 23 May 2011

Lady Diana....

I am now the proud owner of one of these lovely little ladies....

(Diana F+ Dreamer)

I can't wait for her to arrive in the post, so i can start taking some cool ass pictures like these...

Thursday, 19 May 2011

A hide out just for us...

Getting out of that gorgeous boy's bed was torture this morning, the orange glow coming from behind the curtains, the warm duvet and soft leopard blanket....not to mention the company...hhmmmm.

I've found a few places i would mind cosying around in...

We made a good Den for my friend Leo's birthday one year...

I'm not sure what inspired the turbans and facial hair? but it was really fun...

Monday, 16 May 2011

All things beardy and beautiful...

I do love a good old stubbly face..
Here are some cool beardy things i've found..
t-shirt frm Etsy

This is what my little Chabies will look like :)

Comliments to Fuckyeahtattoos

Strongman made by Mimi Kirchner
Moustashe Pencils at Atypyk

Mr Moustache Pillow

Tash Mugs

And for any man in need of some growth encouragement try Moustache Elixir from Cyber Candy

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Nothing could ever compare to that day...

This is a beautiful piece of Rob Ryan's that i've never seen before. I think it's very, very lovely...

The picture isn't that great so i'll tell you what it says-

'I opened my heart to the wind
and i felt it put it's arms around me
and hold me all day.
I opened my heart to the sea
and it carried me and washed around me
comforting my whole body.
But caught midair
between sky and sea and land
halfway between one life and another.
Nothing could ever compare
to that day
when I opened my heart to you.

Also I forgot about this one, it makes my insides melt a little...


Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Inky Lust...

Whilst trying to stop myself from getting carried away on ebay, i find now i'm lusting over tattoos on fuckyeahtattoos. My friend Sarah has just booked herself in for some Rob Ryan esq hearts on her forearms, and i'm very very jealous. I saw a girl the other night with a tattoo on the inside of her upper arm, which looked pretty cool. It gave me a few add to the other piling tattoo ideas I have.

Here are a few cool tattoo's i found today...

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

Going Cold Turkey....

I have successfully not bought a thing in nearly two weeks....and its been painful! and I still have a week to go before I've given the bank enough money so they're satisfied for another month. Although then i need to start saving some mular for my holiday to Barcelona with that gorgeous boy.
It doesn't help when I get emails full of temptation from these lovely people....